


A 7-episode documentary series about sister lands on the oldest border in Europe: the Portuguese-Spanish border. The distance between what you earn, what you spend, what you eat, what you sleep (long live the siesta), but also how both cultures mix beyond the invisible line that separates the two countries. The caramel streak, the cheaper gasoline streak, the wars and peace treaties streak, the smuggling streak, the party streak. We go from North to South in search of stories that dissolve borders. In Portuguese.


Author and Director: Ana Delgado Martins
Photography Director: João Serralha
Editing: Márcia Costa
Camera: João Serralha, Gonçalo Pôla, Miguel Cortes Costa
Sound Direction: Quintino Bastos, Paulo Cerveira
Head of Production: Carolina Castro Almeida
Audio Post-Production: Mário Rui, Nuno Gonçalo Santos
Color Correction: João Serralha, Francisco Costa
Graphics: Sofia Ferreira
Production Director: Jacinta Barros
Producers: Jacinta Barros and Rui Simões
Audiovisual script and development support